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artificial respiration 人工呼吸。

We ran to where my father was , and saw a few sisters doing artificial respiration on him . i stood in a state of shock . my youngest sister pulled me to the side and said , “ now i know why father said three days ago that he saw the manifestation form of master , and she had blinked her eyes and smiled at him . 開始打坐了,護法跑來找小妹,我們過去只見幾位師姊正在輪流為我父親做人工呼吸,我嚇呆了,小妹把我拉到一邊說:哎呀,我現在才知道,三天以前爸爸說他見到化身師父來眨眨眼睛對他笑是為什么了。

artificial satellite

He understood , however , from all he heard , that dr mulligan was a versatile allround man , by no means confined to medicine only , who was rapidly coming to the fore in his line and , if the report was verified , bade fair to enjoy a flourishing practice in the not too distant future as a tony medical practitioner drawing a handsome fee for his services in addition to which professional status his rescue of that man from certain drowning by artificial respiration and what they call first aid at skerries , or malahide was it 他在本行中迅速地出人頭地。倘使所傳屬實的話,在不久的將來他就會成為一位走紅的醫生,診療費滾滾而來。除了職業上的這一身分,他還在斯凱利或馬拉海德38用人工呼吸和所謂急救措旋使一個差點兒溺斃的人起死回生。

We ran to where my father was , and saw a few sisters doing artificial respiration on him . i stood in a state of shock . my youngest sister pulled me to the side and said , “ now i know why father said three days ago that he saw the manifestation form of master , and she had blinked her eyes and smiled at him . 開始打坐了,護法跑來找小妹,我們過去只見幾位師姊正在輪流為我父親做人工呼吸,我嚇呆了,小妹把我拉到一邊說:哎呀,我現在才知道,三天以前爸爸說他見到化身師父來眨眨眼睛對他笑是為什么了。

In case the victim stops breathing , perform artificial respiration as described above and call a doctor immediately 萬一受傷者停止呼吸,施行如上面所描述人工的呼吸,并且立即打電話請醫生。

We all thought he was drowned , but after an hour ' s artificial respiration he came back to life 我們都以為他淹死了,但經過一小時的人工呼吸后,他又蘇醒了。

We all thought he was drowned , but after an hour ' s artificial respiration he came to life 我們都以為他淹死了,但經過一小時的人工呼吸,他蘇醒過來了。

For asphyziation , apply artificial respiration until the patient is dead 有人窒息怎么辦?就實行人工呼吸,直到病人死去

Artificial respiration did it and a few boy scout tricks 人工呼吸真的有用還有點童子軍的竅門

Function of airways ; artificial respiration 呼吸道的功能;人工呼吸。

The lifeguard revived the man by artificial respiration 救生員通過人工呼吸救活了那個人。

I ' ll perform artificial respiration on the patient 我要給病人做人工呼吸。

She brought her to life by artificial respiration 她用人工呼吸使她恢復知覺。